Lorain County Public Health (LCPH) actively monitors tick activity throughout Lorain County to prevent the spread of tickborne diseases. Most tick bites are harmless, yet some species found in Ohio and Lorain County can cause life-threatening diseases - including Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. In Ohio, most tick encounters happen spring through mid-summer and again in fall. Some tick species can be active year round in Ohio - including the black legged tick that is capable of carrying Lyme disease and other tickborne diseases. If you find a tick on yourself, your child, or pet -- remove the tick and place it in a container or sealed bag. Then call LCPH at 440-284-3240 and we'll help identify the species of tick.
LCPH actively monitors ticks to protect people and pets in Lorain County from tickborne diseases.
When are ticks most active?
In Ohio, most tick encounters happen spring through mid-summer and again in fall. Some tick species can be active year round in Ohio - including the black legged tick that is capable of carrying Lyme disease and other tickborne diseases.
What are ticks?
Ticks are tiny bugs that range in size from a grain of sand to an apple seed. Some species of ticks are known to carry bacteria that make people and animals sick with tickborne diseases Ticks do not jump or fly. They crawl onto people and animals looking for a place on the body to attach - to stay alive - like the backs of knees, armpits, scalp, hair or behind the ears. A tick bite does not hurt, so you might not notice it.
Do all ticks carry diseases?
No. Only some ticks carry disease. However, you cannot tell if a tick is carrying a disease just by looking at it.
Can I get sick by touching a tick?
No. Tick bites are the only way that they spread diseases. If you touch a tick, wash your hands with soap and water.
What are possible signs of a tick bite?
If you get a rash at the bite site, fever, chills, aching joints, nausea, or swollen lymph nodes within 1 month of being bitten. Get medical care soon and inform them about your symptoms and when you were bit by a tick.
When do signs of disease from a tick bite usually show?
Most people show signs within 3 to 30 days of getting bit. Seek medical care if you begin to get sick.
How long does a tick need to be attached to transmit disease?
Most tick diseases in Ohio take at least 24 hours of attachment to be transmitted. If you get sick after a tick bite, get medical care immediately.
Can my pet get sick from a tick bite?
Yes. Like people, animals can also get sick with diseases that ticks carry - including Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Talk to your veterinarian about ways to prevent your pet from getting sick from ticks. Learn the signs of tickborne disease in dogs. Currently there are no known tick diseases that can be passed from your dog to you.
Are there other resources to give me more information on preventing tick bites?
Find more information at the Ohio Department of Health and the CDC.
When does LCPH accept interns?
Seasonal internships are available. Check internship job opportunities in February - March, or ask about shadowing experiences via email ph@loraincountyhealth.com.
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